
OceanX is a green venture series on the development of an on-the-sea living space platform that integrates sustainable housing, green transport and renewable energy solutions and provides shared functions across development, investment and management of living spaces on the sea. It is developed and run in a model of open collaboration by a pool of investors, for profit and non-profit organizations and individuals who share the same mission – to bring sustainable on-the-sea living spaces to global community against the negative impact of climate change including the sea level rise, storms and flood and more.


Southeast Asia is among the regions of the world hardest hit by climate change according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report) and other documentations. The impacts of sea level rise include reduction of living land, loss of homes, loss of lives and livelihoods, loss of tourism, recreation, and transportation functions, etc. Among them, loss of transportation functions at coastlines, islands and on the sea areas is one of most critical impacts.


OceanX sandbox is an initiative to combines funding, R&D, small scale production of new hardware products and software deployment on AI-based offshore cargo transport technologies and pilot projects in actual service environments in one place including support on basic facilities and regulations from local authorities in regions to help all value chain actors and stakeholders who are involved in OceanX ecosystem to collaborate together in common pilot projects.

The OceanX sandbox series in Vietnam is the first development in Southeast Asia.


Creating an AI-based offshore green transport living lab of the world for the future


Sea area around ASEAN countries (area within the redline) is a living laboratory in which some of these AI-enabled transport systems can reach maturity through live experiments and constant, quick reiteration.

OceanX sandbox series is the epicenter to turn Southeast Asia into one of the main innovation hubs in the world.

There are things that technology developers can do in the OceanX sandboxes that they could not do in a normal context.

The development will be carried out on a sandbox by sandbox on a national basis, then sandboxes are integrated step by step from national to regional scale to create an AI-based offshore green transport space of the whole Southeast Asia region.